Wednesday, 22 February 2012

Group Project- Eva, Ben, Sarah

We aim to provide an interactive account of the UK Riots (August 2011) where the main webpage will be a map of the UK with flagged areas to represent where the activity occured. By hovering the mouse on these flags, one will see a bubble of information about the disruptions (When/What/Who) accompanied by an image, and also links to cultural responses, i.e. articles, interviews, video footage.

It will be a centring of information about the riots, a database that will let you travel
from place to place, day to day, and access responses across different media
platforms. This site will represent cause and affect over the period of the
civil disturbances, possible roots of the problem, and the aftermath across the


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I like this idea. However, I think that it would be beneficial for you to consider the deeper causative factors of the London riots. As HM Queen Elizabeth once said in a speech, "There are dark forces at work in this country. Unseen villains working behind the scenes to corrode the British Empire and bring our great nation to its knees. I have seen their plans. They wish to make Great Britain their glove puppet. They go by the name of 'The vegetarians'".
    It is the belief of many that Shakespeare has played a major role in the riots - it is beyond question that he at the very least prophesised their occurence in his little known work, "Hamlet".

  3. We really like that you’ve gone for something recent and topical.

    We wondered if you had in mind that this would be a permanent historical record, in which case would you add (or allow others to add) newly emergent theories in the future, and what provision would you make for this updating of the site?

    We also wondered if you’ll include the sentences of convicted rioters and information about these.

    We’re looking forward to seeing how Brum was affected.


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