Tuesday, 15 November 2011

Cont:Facebook: Satisfying our Desire for Permanence?

It seems I could not post as a comment on campus so here is what was meant to be a comment on the earlier thread:

Lucy's comment caught my eye and reminded me of how damaging a frape can be.

A flat mate of mine had his relationship ruined by a frape. The initial false posting was on his (then) long-term girlfriends' wall. asking her to marry him. He had no such intentions. She thought that it was a genuine question and answered positively. Once it was established that it had been a frape, both parties knew that the other had entirely different ideas about the future of their relationship, and it soon broke down.

Whilst typing this I was reflecting the meaning of the term 'Frape' i.e 'Facebook Rape.' I wont go into the psychoanalysis details but to tell the truth I don't think that the phrase is all that hyperbolic.


  1. Yeah, when a "frape" is just a filthy comment or a changing of name and sexual preference or something it is easy to see that it is just a childish prank. But yeah, it can sometimes be a serious thing, I know a similar situation to the one you've described.

    It also calls into question the validity of what we see on the internet about people. If people can have things changed in a negative light, it is easy for people to change things in their life in a positive way too perhaps. People could invent jobs they've not had, places they've been, universities that they've studied at maybe...

    I also have a personal objection to the term "frape" and its meaning. But sadly, I find myself saying it due to the common parlance being so.

  2. Interestingly I just read this article about a recent Twitter frape gone wrong!


  3. That is really interesting! Especially to me as that's my local team and the town that I was born in...


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